Sunday, December 19, 2010

Who wants free Minecraft codes??

Sup fellers. As part of a promotion, my podcast, Your Uncle's Lap, has 2 unused gift codes for Minecraft that we are giving away.

How do you win? At the top left corner of is a link to download and print the YUL flyer. Print this sexy art out, post it up in a unique, highly visible public location, and snap a picture of it. Then go to the Your Uncles Lap Message Boards and post the picture you took, and on Christmas day, we will be judging the winners of the gift codes.

For more info about Minecraft, visit We also have a Minecraft server running 24/7 which can be found at Merry Christmas from the Lap.


  1. I actually might do this if I think of somewhere good. It just has to be in before Christmas, right?

  2. i don't play this game, but i know a few people woho would probably do this

  3. Yep, before xmas. And if win, you can give the codes to a friend who might want the game if you dont want the game yourself. The perfect gift!

  4. This is a good idea for a promotion!

  5. thanks for the link mate

  6. That's nice. But I'm running out of time...
