Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Not much to look at once you scrape em off your boot

Tonight was a much needed night.  The GF came over and we watched Starship Troopers.  She had never seen it before, and I was way past due for a viewing.  I had forgot how awesome the movie was, and she enjoyed it.  She has very good taste in movies.. probably better taste than I do.

Today sucked at work.  It was full of errors from my desk staff that I had to attempt to fix.  No excuse really.. It's my fault, and as a manager I should be making sure that stuff like this doesnt happen.  I need to tighten down and "check my staff."

I also managed to drop my Nexus One and shatter the screen.  My stomach dropped as I knew I just fucked up a $600 phone.. but I was relieved to see that replacement screens only cost 60 bucks or so.  Maybe a new screen will improve the touch sensitivity a little over my current screen.  Just some screencaps from movies tonight.  Thanks to everyone following and commenting!  Again, click on the links to my podcast on the right of my page and check it out.  Episode 43 is uploaded, and be sure to check out our forums.  Also, my minecraft server has been up 24/7.  youruncleslap.dyndns.org

Name that movie?


  1. great post dude.
    I don't knew the name of movie

  2. Glad to see you can get your gf to watch good sci-fi flicks, mine is less than interested. +rep for minecraft for sure.

  3. Starship Troopers... what an awwesome film. Need to rewatch it.

  4. Really is a sick-as film, glad to hear you could introduce her to it! Chin up, re: bad day, we all have 'em.

  5. I love Starship Troopers! Holy fuck, I know hat feeling. I had my iPhone in my apron when I was waiting a table, and I had all their drinks on a trey. Some kid ran into me and I spilled the drinks all over myself. Little did I know that our aprons are waterproof, meaning i had about half a cup of coke and chocolate milk sitting in my pocket with my iPhone. -_- At least you can repair yours!

  6. Glad the phone drop wasn't too bad. I love that movie too - when it first came out I was just slightly too young to fully appreciate it's awesomeness, but I sure do now!

  7. yup the first one must be starship troopers... the second one i know i saw it somewhere

  8. Big fan of Starship troopers. Campy buggy fun! Glad your fixed your phone.
